Comments on: How do you overcome the environmental challenges of indoor farming? News and information on vertical farming, greenhouse and urban agriculture Sat, 01 Jul 2023 22:46:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chris Higgins Sat, 01 Jul 2023 22:46:13 +0000 All of the photos in this article are provided by the University of Arizona.
Universities measure the lights to insure accuracy in data. These photos should not be seen as commercial designs.

By: Patrick Young Wed, 08 Mar 2023 18:56:03 +0000 At first glance it appears the lighting design is very poor.
First off the fixtures should not be spaced equidistant.
The LED fixtures must extend beyond the edge of the grow area.
And therefore, it would be more efficient if the fixtures ran the length rather than the width.
It may be much more cost effective to use strips of “white” LED lighting, e.g 2700K 90 CRI.
Covering the LEDs with polycarbonate or acrylic lens/covers is very wasteful.
The height above the canopy must be coordinated with the spacing between the strips.
The cost, reliability, and efficiency of the LED power supplies is critical.
Lighting uniformity across the entire canopy is imperative.
Shelving on wheels adds enormously to efficiency.
